American J of Bio-pharm Biochem and Life Sci 2015 April, Volume:4 Issue:2
Review article 
An Overview of Oxidative Stress and Its Effect on Fetal Development and Organogenesis
Tahmina Hossain Ahmed, Md Mahbubur Rahman
AJBBL 04 (02): P (01-08) April 2015
Abstract | Provisional PDF |
Research article 
Hippasa agelenoides spider venom gland extract exhibits myotoxic, fibrino(gen)lytic and platelet agregation inhibitory properties
S. Devaraja, K.S. Girish and K. Kemparaju
AJBBL 04 (02): P (01-08) April 2015
Abstract | Provisional PDF |
Research article 
Evaluation of bio-tolerance of the ethyl acetate fraction from Lophira lanceolata (Ochnaceae) leaves in rats.
Oussou N. Jean-Baptiste, Asiedu-Gyekyé I. Julius, Bla K. Brice, Kouakou K. Léandre, Yapi H. Félix, Yapo A. Francis, Ehilé E. Etienne, Yapo A. Paul
AJBBL 04 (02): P (01-08) April 2015
Abstract | Provisional PDF |
Research article 
Enhanced production of Andrographolide through the effect of gamma irradiation on Pndrographis paniculata
Susila Kuruvilla and P. R. Unnikrishna Pillai
AJBBL 04 (02): P (01-08) April 2015
Abstract | Provisional PDF |
Research article 
Hepatoprotective influences of melatonin on the levels of antioxidants and lipid peroxidation in hyperammonemic wistar rats
Peter Jasmin Lena and Perumal Subramanian
AJBBL 04 (02): P (01-08) April 2015
Abstract | Provisional PDF |